
Understanding how we currently how up – as leaders, as communicators, or as teams – can help us identify areas in which our intentions and our outcomes don’t necessarily align. For this reason, I find that assessments can provide a great springboard for development.

Not all assessments are created equal, so I spent a few years vetting different tools before getting certified in the following:

DiSC™ The DiSC is helpful for identifying your communication preferences and priorities and understanding where you may need to adapt your style to work more effectively with others. This provides great insights not only for individuals, but also for entire teams who collectively want to examine how they work together.

Leadership Circle™ ProfileUnlike most 360 assessments, the LCP evaluates leaders on competencies that statistically correlate to leadership effectiveness, highlighting perception gaps and exposing the underlying thought patterns that limit effectiveness. Because it suggests development paths, this can be a great way to accelerate a coaching engagement.

Leadership Circle™ Culture Survey – Leadership development is most effective when it is approached both as an individual a collective pursuit. The Culture Survey helps executive teams examine how they are collectively driving or limiting the success of the organization, so they can overtly work to make their leadership a competitive advantage.

If you still have questions, please reach out to me, either by completing this form, or emailing me at